Emirates Environmental Group

Emirates Environmental Group organised and facilitated the nation-wide Can Collection Drive, bringing together over 300 participating entities from all 7 Emirates of the U.A.E. and managing to collect 6,009 kilograms of aluminium cans through the work of all those involved. This brings the total of EEG's collection to 20,724 kilograms until date, with the announcement that it aims to collect 27,000 kilograms of aluminium cans by the end of this year.
Mrs. Habiba Al Marashi, Chairperson of Emirates Environmental Group, explained that the Can Collection Drive aims to bring people from all segments of society together through the need to fulfil their duties to the environment of this country. Witnessing the participation of government agencies, hotels, private institutions, academic institutions, and families being allocated to sites for their aluminium cans to be weighed displayed that obligation.
She expressed her happiness at the continuity of this campaign and its role in dynamically acting as encouragement for sustainable waste management year after year. Mrs. Al Marashi added that various campaigns of EEG have witnessed a rise in participation, helping reach the programs' goal of serving the environment. The tons of aluminium cans collected through this specific campaign alone have diverted the unnecessary disposal of these recyclables into landfills, saving 504 m3 of landfill space and mitigating 311 MTCO2 emissions.
This campaign saw the commitment and cooperation of not only the community, but also all the relevant government bodies and corporate sponsors.