Climate change

Egypt's participation in the upcoming world climate summit in France stems from its belief in the importance of collaborating efforts of the international community to combat the possible risks of the climate change.

Egypt is also among the most affected countries, according to a declaration issued in 1993 by the inter-governmental panel on climate change.

Commenting on the issue, former UN chief Boutros Boutros Ghali said the world faces new sorts of challenges and issues, including the climate change.

In 1994, Egypt ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate, said a reported issued by the State Information Service on Saturday.

Cairo ratified also the Kyoto Protocol and established a national committee on clean development mechanism in 2005, said the report.

The panel coordinated efforts at the national level to address climate-related issues and drew out policies and strategies to combat the repercussions of the phenomenon.

As part of the 2005 mechanism, Egypt approved 36 projects in fields including new and renewable energy.

Cairo believes in the importance and necessity of the current dialogue among the industrial and developing countries on future commitments of the developed economies to the greenhouse gas emissions.

Egypt sees that these commitments should be fulfilled by the developed countries toward the most affected states.