Climate Change

Egypt's Minister of Environment Khaled Fahmy has called on developed countries to provide support for African and developing countries to face implications of climate change.

In statements on Friday on the sidelines of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's visit to New York, Fahmy said that Egypt will seek to rally such support through chairmanship of African environment ministers' conference.

The African presidents concerned with climate change will hold a meeting under President Sisi to coordinate stances ahead of Paris international conference on the climate change, slated for November 29, Fahmy said.

During the meeting, President Sisi, who chairs the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change, will submit a report about efforts exerted during the past period in this regard, added Fahmy.

Fahmy noted that Egypt floated two initiatives regarding renewable energy in Africa and adaptation to climate change as part of consolidating the African stance before the planned conference in Paris, said Fahmy said.

The Egyptian minister warned of the dangers of climate change that affects the daily life and the economies of the future generations.

There is a consensus on sustainable development agenda after the year 2015, which will be approved during the UN Sustainable Development Summit, which will kick off on Friday, Fahmy said.

On Thursday, President Sisi arrived in New York to take part in the meetings of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.

Sisi will also hold talks with a raft of world leaders on the sidelines of the visit to discuss ways of promoting cooperation and exchanging points of view.

The president will also hold meetings with a number of leaders of major US companies, businessmen and prominent figures.