Tanzania forestry policy

Tanzania on Monday signed a technical cooperation program agreement with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to support the east African nation to review its National Forestry Policy.

Under the agreement, FAO will provide technical support to the tune of 125,308 U.S. dollars to Tanzania to enable it to finalize the review of its 1998 Policy.

Gaudence Milanzi, Tanzania's Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) Permanent Secretary, said that FAO's support was timely as it came at a time when the country was facing a number of challenges in managing its forest resources and was in the process of reviewing its policy to address them.

According to him, between 1990 and 2015 Tanzania lost an average of 17 percent of its forests, a situation that he described as alarming.

"Besides, the country also faces other challenges such as low capacity for proper utilization of forest resources, obsolete technology, low investment despite being such an important sector," Milanzi said in a statement.

Fred Kafeero, FAO Country Representative, said that FAO is a technical agency that provides technical support and assistance through technical cooperation programs.

"We've supported many countries in similar areas. Through this agreement, we'll bring in international experts and galvanize those within the country to ensure that the policy not only takes into account developments in the international arena but also helps to address local issues," he said.

Source: Xinhua