Rome - SPA
Italy\'s central Lazio region, where Rome is located, has been hit by 20 separate wildfires, UPI quoted officials as saying. Most of the fires ignited Friday morning in the province of Rieti, Italy\'s ANSA news agency reported. A Canadair aircraft was sent to the province to fight flames in Montegrottone and Fara Sabina. The town of Fiamignano sustained fire damage. Three fires also broke out in Frosinone province, where two civil protection helicopters, as well as two Canadair aircraft, were used to quell fires in Esperia. Sant\'Elia Fiumerapido and Monte San Giovanni Campano were also effected by fires in Frosinone province. The province of Rome was also involved when a fire broke out in Artena, as well as one in Castel Giuliano in Bracciano. In the province of Viterbo, the town Nepi experienced fire damage, as did the towns of Minturno and Castelforte in Latina province.