After floods caused millions of euros of damages to Serbia over the past weekend and took several lives, heavy rainfall once more threatens to cause rivers to overflow. The Republic Hydro-meteorological Service warns that heavy rainfall will last until Friday, that is expected to raise the levels of Mlava, Pek, Timok, Lim, Jadar, Drina, South Morava, Ibar and Kolubara. Heavy floods that struck Serbia over the weekend have caused more than 6 million euros (8.3 million U.S. dollars) of damage to infrastructure and private property. Twenty two municipalities in Serbia have been badly struck by rivers that busted out of their waterbeds, said a statement of the government's commission for damage estimation published on Thursday. The commission urgently decided to allocate 500,000 euros to most needed repairs, and asked the Finance Ministry for remaining funds. The worst situation over the past weekend was in Doljevac near the southeastern city of Nis and the city of Krusevac in central Serbia. According to official data, around 5,000 hectares of arable land is flooded across Serbia, 10 locations have no drinking water while 440 people had to be evacuated from their homes. On Thursday's government session, Serbian ministers that toured flooded areas warned that a new flood wave is expected by the end of the week, and urged to repair the existing infrastructure and build alternative routes.