Two students went to school across the flood in Jalan Rear Bappeda, Teweh Muara, North Barito

A flood inundated tens of homes in Muara Teweh, North Barito District, Central Kalimantan Province, following incessant heavy rain that caused Bengaris River to overflow.

"Several homes have been flooded since 4 a.m. local time, and the flood is expected to subside at noon," Hariadi, a local inhabitant, said here on Tuesday morning.

Heavy down pour began at midnight and lasted until 2 a.m. local time, triggering Bengaris River to spill over its bank.

Flood waters reaching a height of up to one meter submerged Mekar Indah and two other residential area.

Earlier, the National Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics agency (BMKG) had forecast that moderate to high intensity rainfall would hit areas across Indonesia this November.

South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Lampung, Bangka Belitung, North Sumatera, Banten, West Java, Jakarta and surroundings, Central Java, East Java, Central Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, Maluku, West Papua and Papua Provinces were to witness rainfall.

Therefore, the agency had urged people living in disaster-prone areas to remain vigilant and prepared to deal with any disasters to prevent casualties.

The country is, however, expecting the rainy season to peak in January and February 2017, especially in Jakarta and its suburban areas.

Source: ANTARA