Up to 13 people died and thousands others fled their homes in wide-scale floods and landslides ravaging eastern Indonesian district Sulwesi. Indonesia's National disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, in remarks broadcast by the Indonesian media, monitored here on Thursday, said 40, 000 people fled their houses due to the raging waters caused by torrential rains. The heavy raining resulted in lifting water levels of regional rivers, swamping streets and properties in Manado city. Many houses, cars and other properties were carried away by the raging waters. The waters and enormous piles of mud caused by landslides have buried houses and demolished bridges in several regions, he said, adding that urgent relief supplies were dispatched to the stricken areas. Indonesian authorities have also sent relief supplies, including food, medicines, blankets, tents and rubber dinghies to the eastern part of the nation. Seasonal rains on Indonesia often cause floods in the archipelago of more than 17,500 islands and islets. Millions of people suffer from such harsh and hazardous weather conditions, particularly in regions close to rivers.