Berlin - Anadolu
Heavy flooding caused by torrential rains in Germany\'s Gossnitz City in Thuringia State forced authorities to evacuate 3,000 people following overflow of the Pleisse River. A disaster warning has also been issued in Gera, which is the third-largest city in Thuringia as waters at the White Elster river rose to a critical level. Bavaria government set up a crisis desk Bavaria government set up a crisis desk, and issued a disaster warning in ten cities in Bavaria, including Passau and Rosenheim. PM of Saxony canceled his visit to Turkey Flooding in Saxony forced State Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich canceled a trip to Turkey on Monday as 150 people were evacuated from the disaster areas in the Serbitz Town. Downtown Grimma was also overwhelmed by flooding, and 2,000 people were evacuated. German troops in disaster areas The Federal Defense Ministry announced that German troops were deployed to help residents in flood-hit areas. Chancellor Angela Merkel also declared that the disaster areas will receive \"full support.\" Flooding also hits Hungary as the government partially halted traffic on the Danube River and cancelling trolley services. Hungarian authorities fear that the scale of flooding risked a similar overflow of the Danube in 2002, and urging people to stand ready and pay attention to warnings. The overflowing in the Danube River also caused some cancelations of train services between Budapest and Zurich.