Islamabad - KUNA
High floods were recorded In river Chenab, and at Sadhnai in Ravi River in eastern Pakistani province of Punjab on Monday. The water swept multiple villages and vast acres of standing crops at Punjnad Jagir Sadiqabad area of Punjab, and the meteorological department has forecasted a high flood to hit Guddu Barrage. According to Flood Forecasting Cell, all the dams are full to its capacities with a water inflow of 2.14.400 cusec in northern Tarbela Dam and 39.321 cusec in eastern Mangla Dam. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said that at least 178 people have died and 1.503.492 others were affected by recent monsoon rains and floods across the country. The rains had wounded 855 people, affected 5. 615 villages and destroyed 20.312 houses across the country, added the authority. A large number of people were evacuated from their houses and over 350 relief camps were setup to accommodate the flood-affected people. Most of the camps are set up in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan as the flood affected them the most. Earlier on Wednesday, the figures stood at nearly one million people affected and 139 dead. According to NDMA officials, more monsoon rains are expected next month but the authority is fully prepared to deal with it.