Minister Hossam moghazi

Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazi received Friday a report on the outcome of meetings of technical delegations of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia meant to reach a tripartite vision about the Renaissance Dam’s holes.

The talks in Addis Ababa focused on an Egyptian proposal that aims to increase the number of holes in the dam’s body to increase water flow to downstream countries, Egypt and Sudan.

The delegations agreed on the importance of increasing such holes, especially in emergency periods, so as not to affect the water quotas of Egypt and Sudan, the Irrigation Ministry said in a statement.

The meetings were held in light of the latest six-party talks held in Khartoum on December 27-28, the statement added.

A report on the discussions will be reviewed during the next six-party meetings in order to take trust-building measures.

In Khartoum, the foreign and water resources ministers of the three countries agreed that the French Arterlia Group will supersede the Dutch company, Deltares, that was at odds with the French BRL, and will finalize studies in about eight months from the signing a new contract with the two companies in February.

Ethiopia is due to start the first stage of filling the dam’s reservoir - which amounts to 15 billion cubic meters out of a total of 74 billion - in six months.

It still insists that the dam aims at generating electricity, but both Egypt and Sudan fear it will affect their water quotas.