Japan\'s Fukushima prefectural government has decided to launch its own inspection of the seawater around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company. Its decision came on Thursday following reports of another leakage of radioactive water from a storage tank at the nuclear complex the previous night. The water is suspected to be spilling into the ocean, according to Japan\'s (NHK WORLD) website. Speaking in an emergency meeting of senior officials, Governor Yuhei Sato said the latest leakage occurred just after TEPCO President Naomi Hirose pledged to give highest priority to containing wastewater when he attended the prefectural assembly. A prefectural official in charge of atomic power said they will measure levels of radioactive substances as early as Thursday in waters near the end of the drainage through which the leaked water is suspected to have seeped into the ocean. Other prefectural officials voiced concern that the plant operator is not doing enough to prevent contaminated water from leaking, and urged it to quickly implement measures to stop the water from seeping into the ocean.