Amid its new policies Kuwait's Environment Public Authority is taking steps to further involve its staff in local and international environmental events. After taking part Thursday night in an event organised by local voluntary environmental group, "Kuwait is a Green Oasis", director of public affairs and awareness Khaled Al-Enezi said that the public "should be closer and friendlier to our environment." The event, held under the patronage of State Minister for Housing Affairs Yasser Abul, should not solely focus on planting more trees but should extend to keeping the nation clean, he added. Through its role in emphasising the importance of the environment among the public, the EPA aims to send out several messages through events like these, namely to encourage planting trees, to keep roads and beaches clean by the disposal of waste in the appropriate places and not to kill trees and plants. The cooperation with the group was something media director Fatma Al-Enezi said the volunteers had strived for. The event is not the only one, and has been preceded by others all of which aim to encourage "good citizenship," she highlighted.