Minister of Oil and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Dr. Ali Saleh Al-Omair said on Sunday that Kuwait is keen on supporting efforts that contribute in implementing global environmental standards aimed at reducing global warming emissions. At the present time, there are several industries that helped in increasing carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases, which negatively affected global warming and contributed in increasing ozone layer hole and temperature, Minister Al-Omair said during a high-level ministerial meeting on environment and climate change, hosted by UAE. Some of the meeting's goals include attempt to finding ways to reduce global temperature as much as possible in order to avoid greenhouse gases, said Al-Omair, adding that every single rise in temperature degree will melt the ice at the two poles. All these changes in climate, temperature, and environment have different dimensions, the Kuwaiti minister noted, adding that Kuwait is one of the countries that contributed in efforts to resolve these environmental subjects as it is also highly supportive of countries that implement global environmental standards. He also said that the two-day meeting aims to generate momentum for the forthcoming September Climate Summit 2014, set to take place in New York and to be convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon