Environment Public Authority (EPA)

Environment Public Authority (EPA) underscored its keenness to protect wild and marine life of the country by launching campaigns and inspecting tours in accordance with the law and international conventions on which Kuwait agreed.
"By such campaigns, the EPA confiscated a lot of Jerboas at Friday Market and sent them to the Zoo," Ahmad Al-Saiygh told KUNA in a statement Saturday.
He added that the campaigns are implemented according to the resolutions No. 93 in 2003 and No. one in 2005 that regulate purchasing animals which are endangered to be extinct.
He pointed out that CITES agreement that Kuwait joined in 2002 stipulates countries inked it are bound by its rules regulating seizures, housing and repatriation of protected species.
"The CITES is an important part of the EPA which aims to make people aware of animals endangered to be extinct to preserve their species," he said.
The EPA has been working since 2002 in coordination with the country's concerned bodies to implement the terms of agreement, he added.
He noted that the EPA has been launching ongoing campaigns by distributing a host of brochures to raise awareness of citizens to preserve all forms of environment.