Photo document of rescue team helps in landslides location in the village of Sampang, Karangkobar

Landslides hit Clapar village in Madukara Sub-district, Banjarnegara District, displacing 158 people on Friday.

Incessant heavy rains since Thursday caused three consecutive landslides on Thursday afternoon and Friday at 1:39 a.m. and 6 a.m. local time respectively, Catur Subandrio, head of the Banjarnegara disaster mitigation office, stated here, Friday.

Nine houses were seriously damaged, three suffered moderate damage, and two others incurred minor damage, he revealed.

Some 29 houses are at a high risk of being hit by a landslide, he added.

The landslide victims were evacuated to safer places, and a public kitchen has been set up to provide food for them.

Source: ANTARA