Kuwait - KUNA
A shower of meteors will be witnessed in the skies of Kuwait as of Tuesday, said an astronomer here, all the way through the week, with the climax of these showers seen the following week on Wednesday. The rate of these showers will reach 15 meteors an hour, said Adel Al-Saadoun, explaining that the meteors are a result of Comet Thatcher, which travelled close to the sun a few years ago, leaving behind space debris and other gases. \"When Planet Earth comes close to these gases and debris, it attracts them into its atmosphere burning them and forming the meteors that drop onto the Earth\'s surface at a speed of 49 km/sec,\" he emphasised. The best time to watch these meteors is at 3:00 a.m. (local time) located at the northern half of the hemisphere close to the \'guitar galaxy\', he concluded.