Morocco Cote d Ivoire

Morocco and Côte d’Ivoire signed, on Tuesday in Rabat, a new cooperation agreement on agricultural research, mechanization and rehabilitation of rural roads.
Signed by the Minister of Agriculture and Sea Fisheries Aziz Akhannouch and his Ivorian counterpart Mamadou Coulibaly Sangafowa, revising the agricultural cooperation agreement signed in 2004 and still in force, this agreement aims to broaden cooperation in the field of the processing and marketing of agricultural products, as well as agricultural subsidies and loans.
The signing of this agreement is part of the durability of the agricultural relationship between Morocco and Côte d’Ivoire in order to boost trade and investment, training and marketing, Akhannouch told the press after the signing ceremony.
This agreement is a large-scale project meant to bring closer the two parties and enhance the attractiveness of their relationship in the agricultural field, he added.