Mangrove forests support a wealth of life

Myanmar and Norway are seeking cooperation in mangrove forest conservation and a conservation plan in this respect is being worked out between the two countries, official media reported Tuesday.
At a meeting between Myanmar Minister of Environmental Conservation and Forestry U Win Tun and visiting head of Norwegian Parliament's Standing Committee for Energy and the Environment Ola Elvestuen, the two sides discussed cooperation with international non-governmental organizations in rehabilitation programs, mangrove forest conservation activities between the ministry and the Worldview International Foundation and a memorandum of understanding in this regard is expected to be signed.
Norway has been helping Myanmar with the programs on conservation of biodiversity and forest resources.
In May this year, the Myanmar ministry and Norway's Ministry of Climate and Environment initiated a letter of intent on cooperation in undertakings also covering water resources preservation in Sittoung and Bago river basins, development of world-famous tourist site of Inlay Lake in Shan state and betterment of social economy of ethnic minorities residing around the lake.
Besides these, cooperation for putting Inlay Lake into world heritage list, implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+), promoting cooperation with NGOs in environmental conservation tasks, development and poverty alleviation schemes were also covered by the two countries' intention.
Moreover, development of ecotourism industry and enhancement of technology expertise and human resources between Myanmar and Norway were also brought to the agenda.
Meanwhile, in June 2013, Red Cross Societies of Myanmar and Norway signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in carrying out some communal projects in Myanmar such as logistics development project, water and sanitation emergency preparedness and response and health development project.