File photo of Musandam

 An oil spill had drifted to Musandam beaches, officials confirmed. 

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs announced their full investigation regarding a case of pollution in the Musandam area. 

“The Ministry has collaborated with competent authorities, and sent a CASA pilot plane to survey the affected coasts and estimate the quantity of pollution,” officials said. 

A team from the Marine Science Centre, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, has also inspected the site. 

“It was ascertained that an oil spill drifted towards the beaches. However, there are is no oil residue in the deeper waters, nor were there any affected fish and marine life,” they said. The Ministry has also coordinated with the Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Centre (MEMAC), a regional organisation for the protection of the marine environment, to intensify monitoring through marine carriers. 

“Cleaning of the beaches is still under way, and efforts are still being made by all competent authorities to decontaminate the area,” officials added. 

The Ministry also encouraged the public to report any pollution incident to the Pollution Control Centre, on the following numbers: 80071999/24693666.

Source: Timesofoman