Manila - XINHUA
The Philippines on Wednesday organized a nationwide earthquake drill as the country braces for the possibility of being hit by a major tremor.
The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) said the synchronized earthquake drill was staged to prepare areas vulnerable to strong earthquakes such as Manila.
A magnitude 5.7 earthquake hit the western part of the Philippines including Manila recently.
Experts had earlier expressed apprehension that a 7.2-magnitude earthquake could isolate Manila and nearby provinces due to collapsed roads and buildings.
"Having known this vulnerability, communities must be capacitated to prepare them to respond, cope and recover from the effect of this worst case scenario," said OCD in a statement.
Fire and tsunami preparedness drills were also conducted in the country's capital region.
In other areas, the National Risk Reduction and Management Council also launched the earthquake drills.
The Philippines' vulnerability to strong earthquakes was highlighted by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake which struck the central part of the country in October 2013, which left more than 150 people dead while damaging houses, tourist spots and commercial buildings.