Philippines volcano

Tens of thousands of people living near the Philippines' most active volcano began to evacuate on Tuesday after increased activity prompted government scientists to warn of an
imminent eruption, dpa reported.
Dozens of military trucks were dispatched to pick up the residents in
the danger zones around Mayon Volcano in Albay province, 330
kilometres south-east of Manila, said Major General Ricardo Visaya, a regional military commander.
'So far, there has been no reported opposition to the evacuation
plan,' he said.
An estimated 12,000 families or nearly 60,000 residents are in the
danger zones that affect three cities and five towns in Albay
province, according to provincial Governor Joey Salceda.
'Everyone in the danger zones has to evacuate and we will guard these
areas to make sure that none of them sneak back,' he told a Manila radio station.