Quake strikes off Papua

A strong and shallow quake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale jolted West Papua, eastern most of Indonesia on Thursday evening, but it was not potential for tsunami, the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said here.

The quake struck at 22:53 p.m. Jakarta time (1523 GMT) with epicenter at 31 km northeast Sorong town and with the depth at 10 km under sea, an official of the agency told Xinhua over phone.

"We do not issue a tsunami warning as it was not potential for tsunami," the official said.

The intensity of the quake was felt at 4 to 5 MMI (Modified Mercally Intensity) at Sorong town, 3 to 4 MMI at Rajaampat town and 2 to 4 MMI at Manokwari town, he said.

The USGS reported the quake was at 6.6 magnitude. "The shakes of the quake was felt at 15 seconds, and the people rushed out their houses," Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesman of the national disaster management agency told Xinhua over phone.

"Windows and walls of houses and buildings were cracked," he said and added that the assessment over the impact is still undertaken.

Indonesia is prone to quake as it sits on a vulnerable quake- hit zone so called "The Pacific Ring of Fire."