Jordanian geologists proposed to experts from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to build the first geological park in Wadi Al-Mujib based on its geological diversity, extending from the pre-Cambrian era which was about 540 million years ago.The geologists said on Tuesday at a workshop organized by the Natural Resources Authority on Geoparks Network that the proposed area has an advantage in being the lowest among global geoparks (420 metres below sea level) with geological and biological diversity of seven water streams flowing all year round, 300 species of plants, 10 kinds of animals and several types of permanent and migratory birds.They added that the 66 square-kilometre proposed park in Wadi Al-Mujib fulfills the scientific requirements in terms of rarity, scientific value and beauty, prompting Jordan to deliver the project for the UNESCO to adopt it as part of a program that will continue till 2017.