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 Some parts of Dhofar may experience light drizzle from today, according to experts at the National Multi Hazard Early Warning Center, which monitors weather conditions in Oman.

Speaking to Times of Oman, an official said Dhofar governorate should receive light rainfall starting from today. “This is likely to continue for next few days,” he said. 

Thousands of tourists are expected to flock to country's southern region, Dhofar during the Eid holidays as the Khareef season began on Wednesday, June 21.

The season is expected to continue until September 21, 2017.

For the next 24 hours, the National Multi Hazard Early Warning Center predicts "partly cloudy skies along coastal areas of Dhofar governorate with chance of isolated light rain. Mainly clear skies over rest of the Sultanate with chances of isolated rain over Al Hajar Mountains".

Source: Timesofoman