Displaced in Kurdistan region

Rainstorms hit several areas in Iraq's Kurdistan region, uprooting and destroying numerous tents of the displaced people who have been experiencin very bad conditions in recent days.
Those displaced people in the governorates of Salah El-Din, Ninawa, Anbar, Diyala and Babel urged Ministry of Displacement and Migration, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Kurdistan region's authorities to provide them with adequate makeshift shelters to withstand rainstorms and severe temperatures in winter.
This move coincided with the announcement of the General Directorate of Meteorology (GDM) in the region that it is a low-pressure area that is instigating the heavy rainstroms.
The GDM urged the displaced to be alert and cautious and take all required procedures to avoid any possible floods, saying that due to that low pressure rains will continue until October 22.
Floods are expected to occur in certain areas of the region due to the low pressure, it noted.
The displaced said that their conditions have worsened since the rainstorms as many have become homeless with no roof over the head.