Phnom Pneh - UPI
The Cambodian Red Cross says it will provide food and other aid to 2,340 families affected by flash flooding last week in three provinces. Three people have drowned and more than 3,000 have been evacuated, The Phnom Penh Post reported. The Red Cross said Wednesday it will provide families with packages of rice, canned fish, noodles and other materials by this weekend, mostly in the northwestern province of Banteay Meanchey. Ngor Meng Chroun, governor of the town of Poipet on the Cambodia-Thailand border, said hundreds of families were still being evacuated from flooded areas. Rain is expected through Sunday, but water has receded in some provinces threatened by flooding earlier in the week. The Asia Development Bank, which is financing reconstruction of roads damaged in last year\'s flooding, said it wasn\'t clear yet what rural road projects had been affected.