The Russian side continues studying the lawsuit brought by the Netherlands regarding the Greenpeace’s icebreaker Arctic Sunrise, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich. Dwelling on the incident involving Greenpeace activists that occurred in Russia’s exclusive economic zone on September 18, including the attack on the oil drilling rig Prirazlomnaya, Lukashevich said that the Netherlands, as the flag ship, presses for the release of the ship Arctic Sunrise and its crew. The notification about the Netherlands seeking arbitration to settle arising differences was addressed to Russia on October 4. “Such an opportunity is envisaged by the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea,” Lukashevich said. Under the Convention, temporary measures can be taken to ensure the observance of the interests of the sides during the examination of the case on its merits. “The Russian side continues studying the materials of the lawsuit brought by the Netherlands to determine its stand on the issues raised and the entire case,” the diplomat said. He pointed out that during the ratification of the 1982 Convention Russia made the reservation that it does not abide by the jurisdiction of international bodies on disputed issues in the exercise of its sovereign rights and jurisdiction.