Drum seismograph records the shaking of the ground

Another 7.0-magnitude quake shook Nepal at 2:45 p.m. Saturday following a massive 8.1-magnitude quake at 2:11 p.m., the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC) said.

The second quake's epicenter was monitored at 28.3 degrees north latitude and 84.8 degrees east longitude, and the focus of the quake is 30 kilometers deep, according to the center.

The U.S. Geological Survey put the magnitude of the first quake at 7.9, with a depth of 15 kilometers.

Twelve minutes after the first 8.1-magnitude earthquake, a minor quake of 3.1 magnitude was also monitored at the Qijiang district of southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, according to the CENC.

Nepal and China are neighbors.