President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on Monday took part in a working luncheon hosted by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the international organization's headquarters.

The gathering was meant to discuss the international negotiations on climate change and efforts exerted in preparation for the Paris summit on this score slated for November 30 to December 10, said Presidential Spokesman Ambassador Alaa Youssef.

Participating in the get-together were the heads of state and government of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, South Africa, Nigeria, India and Australia, added the spokesman.

President Sisi asserted at the meeting the importance of reaching at Paris meetings a sustainable and balanced agreement that is congruent with the size of challenges emanating from climate change, added the spokesman.

President Sisi also underlined the necessity of minimizing gas emissions and providing finance for developing countries to cope up with the climate change challenges, added the spokesman.

The president also expounded the Egyptian and African viewpoint regarding climate change issues, according to the spokesman.

The president pointed out that although Egypt is suffering from different challenges in the energy sector, it managed to adopt several measures that helped contribute to international efforts for standing up to climate change, said the spokesman.

These measures included rationalizing fuel subsidy and expanding projects and uses of renewable energy, the spokesman quoted president Sisi as saying.