More effective and mutually beneficial dialogues with China concerning the field of environment and climate are expected by Swedish Environment Minister Lena Ek, who expressed the expectation to Xinhua in an exclusive interview recently. Minister Ek said she could see the importance that China had attached to environmental issue when she visited China last year. "I could see for myself how China is taking these challenges seriously and how different stakeholders are engaged in this work," said the minister. "I welcome this public participation and open cooperation to combat environmental challenges and trust that in it lie the keys to create a livable, dynamic and innovative society that will meet the challenges deriving from China's industrialization, urbanization and mobilization," the minister added. With reference to the good cooperation between Sweden and China in the environmental field, Ek said Sweden is "grateful to have been invited to share with China their experiences when it comes to creating a sustainable civilization." According to the minister, the cooperation between Sweden and China has expanded since her visit to China in May last year, as a joint platform on water-cooperation has been set up and a scientific cooperation on short-lived climate forcers has been initiated, while the development of cooperation on low carbon Eco-cities will be continued as well. "I am looking forward to a fruitful and mutually beneficial environmental and climate dialogue with China also in the future," said the minister.