A file photo of Turkish experts carry a victim of alleged chemical weapons attacks in Syrian city of Idlib,

Oman's Ministry of Foreign Affairs have condemned the chemical weapons attack which killed dozens of civilians in the northern Syrian town of Idlib.


The Sultanate strongly condemns the chemical attack in Syria and considers it an act of terrorism against the innocent civilians there," the ministry stated on Twitter.

The attack, which took place around 6:30 am local time, caused men, women and children alike to convulse violently, in addition to foaming at the mouth, uncontrollable vomiting and constricted pupils.

Mass graves have been dug to bury those who have died due to the attack, which has been blamed on current Syrian President Bashar Al Assad. However, Syria and its Russian backers have both denied the allegations.

This is the latest chemical weapons attack in Syria to cause international outrage, after violent images of innocent civilians affected by a sarin neurotoxin gas attack flooded the media in 2013. Since then, Russia brokered a cease-fire with the Syrian rebels and their US-backed allies.

Syria had allegedly agreed to destroy their chemical weapons stockpiles and join the Chemical Weapons Convention.

The Sultanate strongly condemns the chemical attack in Syria and considers it an act of terrorism against the innocent civilians there," the ministry stated on Twitter.

The attack, which took place around 6:30 am local time, caused men, women and children alike to convulse violently, in addition to foaming at the mouth, uncontrollable vomiting and constricted pupils.

Mass graves have been dug to bury those who have died due to the attack, which has been blamed on current Syrian President Bashar Al Assad. However, Syria and its Russian backers have both denied the allegations.

This is the latest chemical weapons attack in Syria to cause international outrage, after violent images of innocent civilians affected by a sarin neurotoxin gas attack flooded the media in 2013. Since then, Russia brokered a cease-fire with the Syrian rebels and their US-backed allies.

Syria had allegedly agreed to destroy their chemical weapons stockpiles and join the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Source: Timesofoman