Teaching Kids The Importance Of Green Spaces

Getting kids to play outside is pretty easy, but getting them excited to learn about the great outdoors may require a little help. Brian Osuch has more on one science and technology-based program that has already inspired 62 million people to learn about the environment. (:60)   SCRIPT: Lifestyles, I'm Brian Osuch. April is Earth Month and the perfect time to celebrate and learn about all the great green spaces around us! Jen Boulden is a green expert and says the best way to get started is by going outside.    CUT: (Boulden) Now's the time to enjoy the outdoors and your very own backyard! The educational program TurfMutt in partnership with Scholastic Education teaches families how every day lawns, plants, shrubs and trees should be appreciated and taken care of in a sustainable way.    SCRIPT: Boulden adds it's important for kids to learn how to put the right plant in the right place, while understanding the benefits of our green spaces.    CUT: (Boulden) Once kids learn about the outdoors, they're excited to get exploring! A fun way to get kids engaged is with TurfMutt's free online interactive games and storybooks that are based on a real-life rescue dog, Lucky. Kids just love him! He's joined by superhero characters who combat environmental villains, really getting kids excited about protecting the planet one yard at a time.  Source : Thenewsmarket