Increased tourism on the world's iciest continent and its impact onthe environment were set to top discussion at an annual Antarctic Treaty meetingthat began Monday in Brasilia."Some countries view the question with concern and believe that there is too muchtourism in the region," said Manoel Silva Rodrigues, secretary of Brazil'scommission on maritime resources.A lack of preservation regulations has some countries expressing worry at the 37thannual gathering.Around 32,000 tourists visit Antarctica each year, said the head of the Chileandelegation, Francisco Berguno.That's well above the fewer than 5,000 tourists who journeyed to the continentannually in the 1990s. Cruise ships and airplanes have vastly multiplied the numberof visitors in recent years.The Antarctic Treaty sets out terms for the continent to remain a non-military zoneand free for scientific research, to protect its environment, and to affirm Antarctica'sterritorial sovereignty.Meetings for the treaty, which came into force in 1961, will continue through May 7.Other topics for discussion include the progress of biological research andconservation of fauna and flora, besides cooperation between the member states.