A new step has taken in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Water Procurement Project connecting Turkey and TRNC via a water pipeline under the sea. The 80-kilometer long pipeline built 250 metres pendant under the sea will mark a first, Turkish Ministry of Water Works and Forestry said. A total of 75 million cubic metres of water will be transferred annually from the Alakopru Dam being built on the Anamur-Dragon watercourse in Turkey\'s Mersin province to Gecitkoy Dam still under construction near Girne in TRNC. 50.3 percent of the 75 million cubic metres of water transferred will be drinking water and the remainder 49.7 percent will be used for irrigation purposes. Once the project is completed, water need of TRNC, currently suffering from water shortage, will be met for 50 years. Water transfer is scheduled to begin on March 7, 2014 with the instruction of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.