UN Under-Secretary General Achim Steiner urged Mongolia to develop on a greener path during events marking the World Enviroment Day. World Environment Day activities are taking place throughout the year but culminate on June 5. This year, Mongolia was named to host the event under the theme \"Think.Eat. Save. Reduce Your Foodprint,\" aimed at reducing food waste. Reportedly, at least a third of everything grown on this planet is lost between the field and the consumer. However, Mongolia is not wasteful as far as food concerned. Actually its traditional nomadic life give some answers to the problems of food waste in modern society. \"Through hosting WED, Mongolia has opened its doors to the world and proudly put its development plans into the global spotlight of international scrutiny,\" Steiner said. Steiner said that if Mongolia can hold onto its ancient traditions in a rapidly changing world and combine them with modern policies, its future should be bright and green.