UN Environment Program

A UN Environment Program (UNEP) official on Wednesday hailed China's financial and technical support towards ecologically friendly enterprises that advance inclusive growth in developing countries.

Naysan Sahba, Director of Division of communication and public information at UNEP, said that China is a trailblazer in green technologies that have unleashed prosperity while promoting environmental sustainability.

"China deserves credit for supporting green enterprises in developing countries through technology transfer and investments. Green and inclusive growth dovetails with China's interests and those of its bilateral partners," Sahba said.

He spoke to Xinhua on the sidelines of the 2015 SEED Africa Symposium held in Nairobi to recognize individuals and organizations that have initiated transformative green projects.

Chinese electronics manufacturer, Hisense, has in the last four years supported SEED Award to honor trailblazers in green and social enterprises across the developing world.

The 2015 SEED Africa Symposium recognized 27 green enterprises that have promoted access to clean energy, waste management and biodiversity conservation. During the symposium, 25 awards were given to outstanding green start-ups in eight African countries.

The involvement of Hisense in the SEED Award has reactivated green innovations that have provided durable solution to poverty, environmental degradation, disease and pollution.

Sahba noted that sponsorship from Hisense has enabled local communities in developing world initiate green businesses that promote socially and ecologically sensitive growth.

"We appreciate Hisense participation in the SEED Awards to promote eco-friendly enterprises in Africa and other developing regions," Sahba told Xinhua,adding that Chinese firms have embraced business models that encourage sustainable production and consumption.

The SEED initiative was founded in 2002 by UNEP, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the UN Development Program (UNDP) to support innovative and community driven enterprises that promote sustainable development.