US elite forces in deadly raid on Al-Qaeda in Yemen

Elite US forces launched a dawn raid against Al-Qaeda in Yemen on Sunday, killing at least 14 suspected rebels in an operation in which an American soldier also died.    The assault marked Washington’s first major military action in Yemen under President Donald Trump, who has vowed to step up the US fight against radical extremism.   The raid in the Yakla region of Baida province, authorized by Trump, was aimed at gathering intelligence about the militant group, a US military official said. It killed 14 members of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which Washington views as the global network’s most dangerous branch, the US military said.   A Yemeni provincial official gave a higher toll of 41 presumed militants and 16 civilians killed in the raid, including eight women and as many children. Washington did not specify how the US soldier died. It said three more American servicemen were injured in the raid along with a fourth who was hurt in a “hard landing,” without providing details. “We are deeply saddened by the loss of one of our elite service members,” said Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of US Central Command in Tampa, Florida.   “The sacrifices are very profound in our fight against terrorists who threaten innocent peoples across the globe,” Votel said. A civil war in Yemen between Iran-backed rebels and pro-government forces has killed more than 7,000 people since March 2015 and allowed extremists including AQAP and the Daesh group to gain ground in the impoverished nation.   The provincial official said Apache helicopters also struck a school, a mosque and a medical facility which were all used by Al-Qaeda militants.   The three prominent tribal figures killed in the attack were identified as brothers Abdulraouf, Sultan Al-Zahab and Saif Alawai Al-Jawfi, the official and other sources said. They were known to be linked to Al-Qaeda, the sources said.   Among the children killed in the raid was the daughter of the late US-born preacher Anwar Al-Awlaqi, Nura, who lived with the family of her maternal uncle, a relative said. Awlaqi himself was killed in September 2011 in a drone strike and his son Abulrahman was killed two weeks later in a similar attack.   Local officials said an Al-Qaeda chief in the region was also killed in Sunday’s raid. The operation, which military authorities said resulted in the capture of information that would “provide insight into the planning of future terrorist plots,” was the first major US military action in Yemen since Trump took office on Jan. 20.   Under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama, the US dramatically increased its use of drone strikes against suspected militants in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. Although the US only sporadically reports on its long-running bombing campaign against AQAP, it is the only force known to operate armed drones over Yemen.   On Jan. 14, the Pentagon announced the killing of a senior Al-Qaeda operative in Baida the week before in an airstrike. Yemen’s long-running conflict escalated in March 2015 when a Saudi-led coalition began bombing raids against Houthi rebels who had stormed the capital and taken swathes of central and northern territory. Around 7,400 people have died in air strikes and clashes since then, the UN says, and aid agencies have warned of an impending humanitarian crisis in the Arab world’s poorest nation.   Baida province is mostly controlled by the Houthis, but Yakla is ruled by tribes, and has at least two training bases for Al-Qaeda, local sources said. Forces loyal to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi have mounted offensives against militants in the south, but the militants remain active in several areas.

Source : Arab News