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 Authorities confirmed an ongoing water shortage in Al Hamra, as steps have been taken to address the situation.

The Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW) has detailed several measures it has taken in response to complaints of Al Hamra residents in Dakhiliyah of a water shortage. 

"The PAEW has followed up with residents of Wilayat Al Hamra in Al Dakhiliyah governorate regarding the shortage of water, due to the decrease in water basin levels of the wells that feed the area's central network of water. The PAEW has coordinated with the leadership in the area, along with the providers of the water network, in taking the following measures:

1 - Work immediately on connecting the central network with the desalinated water network which falls under the PAEW. The Authority has already put forward a tender to implement this, and the tender was awarded on May 31st. The company awarded the tender will work on connecting the networks starting next week, and the connection is expected to be completed within the next two months.

2 - Contracts have been made regarding the transport of water through tanks, in order to strengthen the sources of water that feed into the central network. The transport of water to the the area through tanks will start from Saturday the 3rd of June, 2017.

3 - The PAEW has taken control of managing the central network, and will monitor it in the next period in order to provide a safe, and stable source of water for the central network."

The Authority has also explained that its decision to begin managing the central network in the area is in hopes to find a speedy, effective away to fix the issues regarding water shortage, despite challenges.

"The PAEW wishes to highlight the importance of everyone's understanding and patience during this time, as the PAEW has taken over the network without being provided the technical details and planning that would help in understanding the central network. This will create a challenge for the PAEW, and the Authority hopes that the public remains supportive and helpful during this time."

Source: Timesofoman