Tuesday's weather in Lebanon will be partly cloudy with rise in temperature and drop in humidity levels, according

Tuesday's weather in Lebanon will be partly cloudy with rise in temperature and drop in humidity levels, according to the Meteorology Department at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport. 

On the coastline: 14 to 20 degrees Celsius 

On the mountain range: 5 to 13 degrees Celsius 

In the Interior range: 9 to 16 degrees Celsius 

Surface wind: South-Westerly, gusting between 10 and 30 Km/hr 

Visibility: Medium to good, worsens here and then over the mountains due to fog 

Humidity on the coastline: between 55% and 85% 

Sea: Moderate, Surface temperature 18 degrees Celsius 

Sunrise: 06:25 
Sunset: 18:59 
Source: NNA