World's population

The United Nations on Monday said that the world's population is expected to grow from 7. 3 billion to 8.4 billion between 2015 and 2030 and called for integrating population issues into the post-2015 development agenda.

The information was learned from the 48th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development that opened here Monday with a focus on current and future population trends and their implications for sustainable development.

In a message to the commission, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon said the international community is going to forge a set of sustainable development goals and they will be influenced by the " profound demographic shifts" which take place in current world, especially those related to youth, the elderly, urbanization and migration.

According to a thematic report prepared by Ban for the session, all of the 1.1 billion projected growth in global population will occur in urban areas. All regions, except Europe, are expected to record increases of 15 percent or more in the size of their urban populations.

"Already more than half of the world's population lives in cities, and that proportion will grow over the next 15 years, adding urgency to efforts to optimize the benefits of urbanization and overcome its challenges," said Ban.

The report also noted that over the next 15 years, roughly two billion children will reach school age; meanwhile, the share of older persons in the population is projected to increase from 12 percent in 2015 to 16 percent in 2030.

"This requires enhancing education for both girls and boys, ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health care and creating more decent jobs," he said, adding that "we must forge societies where older persons can contribute to the fullest and enjoy the social protections they deserve."

During the session, UN member states, UN entities and the civil society will review the change and make recommendations for people- centered development strategies, which will benefit the ongoing negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda.