Algerian visual artist Maya Bencheikh El Fegoun participates in the Algerian exhibition in the 11th Dakar Biennale "Dak'art 2014," under the theme of "the Algerian new art scene" with three paintings representing the idea of ??the domination of the strongest. The idea designed in hurry to participate in the exhibition is inspired by the image of a reality, representing a hawk eating a pigeon, said the artist APS. This image, referring to a natural need of survival for the animal species has led to a profound emotion of the artist who admits to having experienced moments of anxiety before such ‘ferocity’ which summarizes "the domination of the stronger." The works exhibited reflect the interest she has for colors, notably the light colors. "A choice which is not random," she said while underlining the importance of controlling the colors in the works. The artist, born in 1988 in Constantine has great ambitions. Her works have attracted the attention of critics who have seen "her conscience for art message and determination to own and develop drawing techniques to exploit the reality with all its contradictions."