ARIES (March21st-April20th)

June 2017

Doing work around the house will be a good way to spend your time at the start of June. Repairing or replacing appliances, upgrading plumbing systems and checking out faulty wiring. The Full Moon on the 9th will bring a disappointing result with a legal or official matter. Resist the temptation to hide away from the world. You'll get over things more quickly by surrounding yourself with supportive friends and relatives. Avoid getting into an argument with an expert in the middle of the month or you'll alienate a potential ally. On the 24th, the New Moon will give you a chance to promote a brilliant idea and win support from someone who can make all the difference to your plans. As the month draws to a close, you'll have to reach a consensus with a partner. Trying to talk logic to a business associate or a loving partner will be an exercise in futility.