April 20 - May 20

August 31, 2014
You are not feeling especially energetic. Unfortunately, this isn't a good time to take a break. You have to attend to some legal matters. Hiring a lawyer may be necessary. Protect your interests at all costs. Lean on a loved one for emotional support during this stressful time. You've always created stability for your nearest and dearest. Now they have an opportunity to return the favour. Asking for help will put your relationship on level ground. Let down your defences..
Weekly Horoscopes
You're precise and analytical. Take this opportunity to compile some reports or process some paperwork. You might be asked to preside over a training session. Showing colleagues how to interpret data or operate equipment will be gratifying. You love developing other people's potential. Your romantic prospects are excellent. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a person with classic taste. The two of you will enjoy creating a comfortable home life together.
You could do with escaping family and work routines. A holiday somewhere familiar that feels almost like home would be a perfect solution to help ease your tension. A lover's tiff or small upsets have built up in your mind. Thoughts go round in circles and you need to distance yourself from familiar places or people in order to sort it all out in your head. If someone has made a mistake in the past, it is not the ideal time to bring it up again.
August 2014 Horoscope
Resist the urge to borrow money from a friend in early August. You're better off learning to live without little luxuries. A friend or lover admires your restraint and will reward you for it. Your ideas will get a welcome reception in the marketplace. Take this opportunity to pitch a bold concept to a forward thinking executive. The 8th is looking especially good for public presentations. The Full Moon on the 10th will force you to choose between spending time on a relationship or your career. You're better off putting your energy toward love. Domestic pursuits will be especially fulfilling throughout the second half of August. Beware of taking a budding romance too far, too fast in the days surrounding the 25th. If this love affair is going to last, you need to make the most of the courtship phase. Don't let your relatives interfere with your private life as August turns to September.