August 23 - September 21

March 27, 2017
You're the only one who has enough experience to handle a difficult job. Someone in authority may feel threatened by your superior knowledge. They'll try to question your judgement at every turn. Be ready to stand firm in the face of their opposition. Caving to pressure is not an option. You're very accommodating by nature. Giving way to a bully will undermine your reputation. Summon your courage and take a stand. People who believe in your talent will offer their unconditional support.
Weekly Horoscopes
Your home life could be quite stressful, due to disagreements with a loved one. If you're single, you may be tired of carrying the domestic load all by yourself. Think about hiring a cleaner. Coming home to a neat, orderly environment will lift your spirits. Beware of being generous with people who don't appreciate your help. An attentive lover or even a considerate friend can make you realise how truly desirable you are. Stop selling yourself short.
You’re receiving so many requests and invitations you’re starting to feel overwhelmed by it all. Friends and family demand a lot of attention. You hardly have a moment to call your own. Tiredness makes you irritable and this is having a negative effect on your closest relationships. You are finding it hard to think before you speak. Headaches, joint pains and stomach upsets could all be related to worry about the future of a romance or friendship.
March 2017 Horoscope
Throwing money at a problem will not be an instant fix. You will need to have a difficult conversation with someone close to you in early March. Finding new ways to save money is critical to the health of your relationship. If you're single, stop trying to buy people's affection. You deserve to be with someone who loves you for your personality, not your bank account. Be compassionate and encouraging to those you love. By tempering your criticisms with kindness, your bond will grow stronger than ever. The Full Moon on the 12th will find you reaping the benefits of a self-improvement program. Splash out on a new outfit, tablet computer or smart phone; you've earned a reward. A brilliant idea for an invention could occur to you in the middle of the month. On the 28th, the New Moon will mark a fresh beginning in a relationship. Let down your defences with someone who has proven their loyalty