Arab Today
June 2017
The opening days of June will be very romantic. If you're single, you could fall head over heels in love with little or no warning. Are you in a relationship? Your partner will get surprising news that prompts a string of celebrations. The Full Moon on the 9th could bring some disappointing news about a job; your work may not be as well received as expected. Pick yourself up and dust yourself and make a fresh start around the middle of the month. Working with a partner will fill the gaps of your knowledge and teach you valuable skills. On the 24th, the New Moon will bring an exciting opportunity to climb the ladder of success. Take a job in one of the caring professions. Getting paid to improve other people's lives will be very satisfying. As June turns into July, you'll have to postpone work to deal with domestic responsibilities. Finding care for a relative could command the lion's share of your attention.