Arabs Today
September 2017
The start of September finds you forming a powerful alliance. Your partner has tremendous artistic talent; you'll create some impressive work together. The Full Moon on the 6th will bring a rewarding job assignment. You'll not only enjoy the project, but appreciate your employer as well. Your warmth and generosity will attract an exciting educational opportunity toward the middle of the month. Taking a challenging course of study will give you the intellectual stimulation you crave. On the 20th, the New Moon will force you to step out of the spotlight. Working behind the scenes will dampen your spirits, but it can't be helped. Treat this situation as a chance to prove your ability as a team player. As the month draws to a close, you'll be forced to deal with a loved one's erratic behaviour. Don't be afraid to issue an ultimatum. You deserve to be treated with respect. Anyone who thinks you're a pushover is in for a rude awakening.