January 19,2018
A narrow minded attitude is cutting you off from opportunity. Instead of basing your opinion on a newcomer’s background or appearance, stop and listen to what they say. You may be surprised to discover you find their observations to be deep and meaningful. Becoming friends will give you unexpected joy. You’ll adopt some new techniques for dealing with stress that are very effective. This breakthrough will come courtesy of your evolved outlook. Open your heart and let love, compassion and understanding enter. 
Weekly Horoscopes
You’ve been going along with a situation that isn’t making you happy. Suddenly you will be given the freedom to do what you want. Any changes you make now will be to your future advantage. A prominent executive will recognise your talent and will reward you for it. At last you’re getting the recognition you deserve. Someone with your practical skills should not be relegated to the background so get used to being in the spotlight.
A friend or relative will pick fights just because other people disagree with them. They’re in an obstinate and inflexible mood and you are finding this difficult. They seem to expect you to drop everything the moment they make demands. If they showed willing to meet you half way, you would be more helpful but you don’t see why you should make all the effort to please someone who is behaving so selfishly. Turn a deaf ear to anyone who complains that you are spending too much time with your amour.
January 2017 Horoscope
The Full Moon on the 2nd brings a partnership matter to a satisfying conclusion for everyone involved. Whether you tie the knot, finish a creative collaboration or conclude a work assignment is immaterial. The important thing is you will have benefitted from the support and encouragement of a talented person who only wants the best for you. By the time the New Moon rises on the 17th, you'll be ready to make a profound change to your personal life. Changing your hairstyle, undergoing a cosmetic procedure or assuming a different role will attract favourable attention. The Lunar Eclipse on the 31st marks an improvement in your financial situation. A romantic or business partnership will put more money in your bank account. Take this opportunity to sneak away to a private hideaway. Getting some time away from the demands of work and family will be therapeutic. Stay away from social media during this relaxing interlude.