September 30, 2016
Getting a higher education will be rewarding. Part of you is afraid to spend so much money on this expensive venture. Don’t give in to your fears. By working hard, you’ll quickly go to the head of your class. You will even get a scholarship for your superior performance. By the time you earn your degree, you’ll have several excellent job prospects. It’s simply a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. Enrol now, while you feel inspired. 
Weekly Horoscopes
A legal issue could turn in your favour. This could give you the time and money to travel. Exploring a beautiful foreign land may restore your enthusiasm for life. It could also expand your professional opportunities. Working abroad could be enriching, both financially and spiritually. Learning a different way of life can give you a different perspective. Problems that once plagued you could become relatively minor. Branch out and explore freely.
A surge of loving inspiration convinces you that you've found the lover you've always dreamed of. Thanks to the encouragement of your partner you have the opportunity to make a cherished dream come true. Take this chance to enjoy romantic delights. Plan a weekend away from the influence of the outside world. Are you single? Your unconventional ways will attract a lot of attention. Joining a sports club or art class will be a great way to meet a prospective romantic partner.
September 2016 Horoscope
A Solar Eclipse on the 1st will prompt you to let down your defences with a trustworthy partner. In the past, you insisted on retaining your independence. Now you realise self-reliance is overrated. Joining forces with someone who offers unconditional love and support will be empowering. With your amour's encouragement, you could book an overseas trip you've wanted to take for years. Alternatively, you may decide to get an advanced degree. A Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will bring an end to a source of income. Stay calm. It may take time to find a position that is worthy of your talent. Be willing to accept a temporary job as a means to pay the bills. Working for a government agency or bureaucracy may not be stimulating, but it will keep you financially afloat. Don't let pride get in the way of making economically sound decisions at the end of September