AQUARIUS (January21st-February19th)

October 2017

October begins on a romantic note. Spending quality time with your amour will strengthen your mutual devotion. If you're single you might meet someone special at a professional conference or training programme. The Full Moon on the 5th will bring your attention to routine tasks you've been neglecting. Clear your schedule to run errands, return messages and submit paperwork. Your career prospects will get a boost toward the middle of the month. If you've ever wanted to start your own business, this will be the ideal time to try. On the 19th, the New Moon could create legal troubles. Instead of going to court, it may be better to pay a fine or settle with your adversary. Getting involved in a long, protracted tussle will be expensive. As the month winds down, you'll be able to take leadership of a troubled division. Your innovative leadership style will reveal hidden talents in several members of the team.